About Me

Thanks for stopping by! My name is Jesse Chapman and I am a colorblind nature and landscape photographer.

Originating from the midwest in Dayton, Ohio, my journey into the world of photography began under the influence of my father. He practiced photography as a hobby and would always carry his camera bag no matter where we went. From my early years, he helped nurture my fascination with capturing the world through a lens by surprising me with my first digital camera when I was about eight years old. This ignited a passion that would unknowingly shape my life to what it is today.

In 2023 I had the opportunity to relocate and the allure of the breathtaking landscapes of the Pacific Northwest was hard to ignore. This move wasn't merely a change in location; it was a deliberate leap into the pursuit of landscape photography. The diverse and awe-inspiring scenery of the region became my canvas as I sought to encapsulate the beauty that surrounds us.

My deep connection with the outdoors, fostered by my background as an Eagle Scout, played a pivotal role in my love for landscape photography. The countless camping trips and hikes instilled in me a profound appreciation for nature's wonders, creating a symbiotic relationship between my outdoor experiences and my artistic endeavors. The skills and values acquired as an Eagle Scout seamlessly blended with my newfound passion, enriching my work with a unique perspective and a reverence for the natural world.

Today, as I traverse the landscapes of the Pacific Northwest and beyond, each photograph is a testament to the synergy of familial influence, outdoor exploration, and the artistic pursuit of displaying that which I find beautiful.

That’s Right, I’m Colorblind!

Red-Green colorblind to be precise, and no it doesn’t mean that see in black and white. I know what red looks like and I know what green looks like, however some hues of these colors often bleed into each other or appear desaturated and difficult to distinguish from surrounding colors.

For example the color orange is extremely difficult for me to identify as it often appears either all yellow or all red. Pink is certainly my most challenging color because most hues of pink look completely gray to my eyes and go undetected entirely.

I’d be lying if I said it hasn’t been a challenge being an artist with this condition, however I have found many work arounds that aid my shooting and editing process. These methods include the use of color corrective glasses, additional software techniques/tricks, as well as simply asking my peers for their opinions and for clarity.

Nevertheless being colorblind has not affected my love of photography. I will continue to advance my craft and learn new ways to work with this condition, not against it. The images I create serve as a window into the way I perceive the world around me and I hope you find it just as amazing as I do.